Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Ansible Playbook To Start Tomcat

Ansible Playbook:

Step 1:
In your group variables:

DES: /destination-path/
CATALINA_HOME: /apps/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.64

Step 2:
In your main playbook:

 - hosts: javaserver
   user: root
    - javadeploycode

Here "javaserver" is the group name which is defined in hosts file.

Step 3:
In your javadeploycode directory main.yml is

# make sure your groupname is same as variable file in step 1.
--- - name: stop tomcat command: {{ CATALINA_HOME }}/bin/shutdown.sh - name: removing old war file command: rm -rf {{ CATALINA_HOME }}/webapps/{{ PROJECT_CODE }}.war - name: removing old file command: rm -rf {{ CATALINA_HOME }}/webapps/{{ PROJECT_CODE }}-application - name: copy war file from {{ SRC }} to destination path {{ DES }} # synchronize: src={{ SRC }} dest={{ DES }} checksum=yes recursive=yes delete=yes # ignore_errors: yes
copy: src={{ SRC }} dest={{ DES }} - name: start tomcat shell: source /home/tomcat/.bash_profile && {{ CATALINA_HOME }}/bin/startup.sh

Find github code here:

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